Sunday 8 January 2012

New beggings...

University is hard.
Before I ventured to live in a completly different place, unpheaved my life and left a nice full time job behind, I was told countless of times that Uni was easy, and that most students didn't venture out of the beds before 12.

This, my friends is not true.

The pressure at Uni is immense and who ever told you life at Uni is easy, they are sadly mistaken.

So im my persuit to explore a new world,other than campus,I am making a blog.

This blog, will be sickeling happy the majority of the time(or atleast will attempt to be) but I hope to not only display bits and bobs about my life and passions, but also give advice, guidance or generally moan about the pressures of life(while frequently mentioning fashion etc).

Welcome to The Dressing Room Door.